Sunday, November 26, 2006

A Busy Week

It has been almost a week since any news has appeared here on my blog but has been a busy week finally setting up the scanner and begin to dig into the 70 plus year archives. Imagine, who would have thought back in the 1930's material would show up to live forever in 2006. It reminds me of a time capsule waiting to be opened and explored for the first time from another time and place. As I search this vast universe of information online I am more amazed each day at the unlimited potential for clients for useful information. Today I found a time capsule from Yahoo, well worth the time to investigate. It is a compilation of ages of people from teens to 70 plus and the 70 plus category is sparse to say the least so it is important to get my archives scanned and online.

An added feature to this time capsule project is Yahoo's charitable arm with commitment to donate $100,000 among seven organizations when you add content to the project. You choose the organization when you adding content among the seven listed. A worthy project to add content from past generations, as well as helping present and future global organizations. Kudos to Yahoo for developing this project and to Time Capsule artist Jonathan Harris. Started in 2006, the project is new and urge any and all of you to add some content to the project.

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