Monday, November 20, 2006

Kal Rudman Publisher, Philanthropist

Kal Rudman, Publisher and well known Philanthropist pictured center was Sam Bushman's primary client for a number of years, but most of all, he made possible for Sam to work until the end of his career. What comes to mind when using the term philanthropist is usually of a financial nature giving money to organizations, and although true of Kal Rudman and his Foundation, he is to be recognized publicly for keeping Sam as his Publicist until the time when he traveled to another place and time. Sam kept Kal in the media almost on a daily basis. If there was some organization needing help you could be sure Kal was involved and it was Sam's job to organize all events for media coverage. Some may have thought of them as an odd pairing of souls, but these two individuals shared a bond not often seen today. Sam was recommended to Kal after Mike Goffredo, a giant among Philadelphia Press Agents passed away and where this journey started.

Pictured with Kal Rudman is Bob Pantano, a legend in his own right and The Honorable Lynne Abraham, District Attorney of Philadelphia. Both these people are big supporters of Kal Rudman as Kal is of them. Kal Rudman's name enjoys instant recognition for all his work and contributions and Sam Bushman continued the legacy. Sam not only supported Kal in his endeavors, but came to be known as someone Kal could seek advice and in typical fashion, Sam was always honest as he was never one to gloss over words or concepts. If he thought an idea not worthy, that cool, calm manner could disappear in a flash! Just ask Kal the next time you see him. He has many stories to tell about Sam and all of them good I may add (another famous Sam Bushman line).

Kal and his wife Lucille through their Foundation established the Kal and Lucille Rudman Institute for Entertainment Industry Studies at Drexel University. Both Kal and his wife Lucille are dedicated to education and public safety and their generosity is well known not only in Philadelphia, but the surrounding area.

Sam Bushman no doubt wrote the book on how to be a Press Agent and Kal Rudman, client and friend , the best example of putting this practice into action.

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