Sunday, November 19, 2006

What Was Wrong with the Old Look

There are several new looks for me but do not understand why my original persona needs to be altered. I am and shall remain the same. Sam would then go on to tell you he probably had "suits older than you". This was not a line of any sort, but the truth. Sam was for all practical purposes just that, practical, but to the extreme. If Sam Bushman had a motto it would go something like this: "I never spent a dime I did not make," . Can you say the same about yourselves? Have you ever spent a dime you did not make?

I could get used to this image of me. What do you think? Should we stick with this or go with something else. We can do a comparison and vote on what image you like best.

I have been procrastinating and am still not ready to get these archives of mine so many people are interested in viewing online, but promise to try and get something up this week. Remember, this has been a long journey and still need to get my bearings. Are you sick of seeing my image here, if so, just let me know. I can take rejection. I have always been good at taking rejection. I like this image and once I figure it out may keep it as my image to the world!

Rumor Central:
I heard the following: Sam's SWAG. What in the world is Sam's Swag! I certainly am not a drapery or other type of wall adornment. I will just have to wait with the rest of you for Sam's Swag.

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