Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Back From Hiatus

This never intended to be such a long hiatus from my journey but always remember, I never left. Amidst this new technology I have had to find my way again and the "old", rather than the "new", suits me just fine. As the saying goes, if it ain't broke, don't try to fix it or something similar. Most likely, the momentum that started with my return has faded somewhat, but there is always today, tomorrow and the future.

December is almost over and the New Year will be upon us shortly and I can make my New Year's Resolution to post on a regular basis, but Resolutions are not etched in stone. While on hiatus, I rummaged through the archives and found items, those little unknown treasures to share here. Look for new items appearing on a regular basis.

Although December almost gone, I have some birthday wishes for a few people. Most of you remember getting cards on your birthday and kept these records in my birthday calendar. Above is a sample page from the Birthday Calendar. If you notice the names crossed out, most would think they were ex-girlfriends, clients or other people. Nothing could be further from the truth. Once in the Birthday Book a person remained for life and you were crossed out at your death. A simple enough explanation.

December brings only two entries (although there may be more people celebrating this month). Happy Birthday to Bill Curry December 24, proprietor of Copabannana and Bob Pantano, legendary DJ.
Bill Curry has opened Copa Miami at 1716 Chestnut Street so all you West of Broad Street people can enjoy one of Philadelphia's favorite and famous spots 365 days a year. Remember that when you are looking for someplace to imbibe on a holiday.

People today use all kinds of electronic devices to keep track of birthdays, but Sam never needed those bells and whistles. If you were on Sam's Birthday List, every year a card arrived. For all those forgotten since I have been gone, as the saying goes; Happy Birthday and many happy returns or goings of the day!

Speaking of South Street.....

Meet Me on South Street later this week or at least sometime in the next year or two. Look for the rich history this famous Philadelphia Street has endured and the many changes over the years. However, one constant remains; South Street is unique and has remained so throughout the years.

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